Called To Controversy: the unlikely story of Moishe Rosen and the founding of Jews for Jesus gives a very detailed account of the life of Moishe Rosen and the group Jews for Jesus. Everything from his early life, to his teenage years, to the jobs he’s worked in and the friends he had were thoroughly discussed. Hardly an important detail was left out in describing who Moishe was and how Jews for Jesus began. It’s an unlikely story and to anyone curious about Jews for Jesus, how they minister, and what they stand for.
I am not a Jew, and in no way affiliated with Jews for Jesus. I did not know a thing about this group and that’s what interested me to begin reading it. I can honestly say after reading this book I feel like I’m a part of the Rosen family. It wasn’t exactly what I expected, I did not expect such depth into Moishe’s life and rather expected to hear more about their beliefs, but that itself showed how little I knew of them. I thought they were a separate denomination for example, I quickly learnt they were actually just Baptists. No detail is spared, and although that made it at times a bit difficult to, it also made it that much more authentic and transparent.
Is it biased?
Ruth Rosen, the author, does a fantastic job portraying the good and the bad. Although she is the daughter of Moishe, there is no bias that can be detected while reading this book. As already mentioned it is very authentic and transparent.
Is this book for you?
There are a number of people who would benefit from reading this book and would love it. First, to those who are curious about who Jews for Jesus are or who Moishe Rosen was. This was my intent for reading the book and I was not disappointed with the information. Second, anyone who might be interested to evangelize to the Jewish people. There are many things that one would learn, what works, and what doesn’t work. Third, for those that interested in how to overcome conflict, who want an inspiring example of perseverance, and example of how God could use anyone, and a difference one person can make.
Thank you to the publisher, Thomas Nelson, for providing a free copy for this personal and honest review of the book.