Thomas Nelson Inc, Oct 30, 2012 - 384 pages
A year ago I read Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton (and very
much enjoyed it) so I kind of thought I knew what to expect from this book. But
I’ll be honest, its not what I expected. The author does know a lot about G.K.
Chesterton and his writings but some times after reading the verse of the day I
felt that how the author chose to emphasize the point of the verse using
Chesterton’s writings had little correlation or was simply to convoluted. Many
of the bible verses that were chosen were one-liners and so were missing the
grand context in the bible; on another note I would like to add it also isn’t
that hard to attach Chesterton’s writings (or anyone’s writings for that
matter) to verses that have such general themes like ‘justice, mercy, grace,
Upon reading this book I have 3 recommendations to anyone thinking
about buying this book.
1. If you love G.K. Chesterton’s writings: Get one of his
books, don't just get a book with snippets, with some days mere sentences of
his writings – this might prove to be a disappointment
2. If you want to buy it as a devotional: There are plenty
of awesome devotionals out there, this is not one of them. Yes there were many
interesting things in this book but all of which can be found by reading
Chesterton’s work. I never put it down feeling as if I got a blessing from it.
3. Want a deeper understanding: Whether it’s of Chesterton’s
work or of God I suggest again either get one of Chesterton’s books and study
that, it would end up being much more meaningful and interesting. Or open the
bible and read/ study that for yourself. OR you may do both, use Chesterton’s
writings with the bible if you wish, any of these options I believe would be of
more use.
I want to thank Booksneeze for providing this book to me for an honest review, as you can tell the review was not required to be positive but of my own honest opinion.
I want to thank Booksneeze for providing this book to me for an honest review, as you can tell the review was not required to be positive but of my own honest opinion.