Thomas Nelson Inc, Jan 1, 2013, 240 pages
The Great House of God by Max Lucado is a rejuvenating look
at an old prayer. We all know the Lords prayer, many can recite it, but what
does it mean to us? How do we use it in our modern life and modern culture? Max
does a wonderful job taking the prayer and applying it to our daily life, our
daily troubles and situations. He shows us that God is in the midst of
everything we go through, all our thoughts and all our problems. He wants to
make a home within us and we need to see and realize this.
I really enjoyed this book, no it wasn’t deeply theological, did not go into analyzing
ancient Greek and Hebrew, and from going to church my entire life I already
have been taught many of the lessons Max writes about. But that doesn’t mean I didn't
thoroughly enjoy the book and that I didn't need it. It was an awesome reminder
of God’s love and blessings upon us, that God wants to live within us and to be
more open toward making God a permanent inhabitant within us. So many of us
(like me) get caught up with small issues and the need for deep discoveries but
forget the true, simple love of God, and this book is a great reminder of that.
Thank you to Thomas Nelson for providing this book for an honest review.
Thank you to Thomas Nelson for providing this book for an honest review.