Waterbrook Multnomah, Apr 23, 2009, 192 pages
I was hesitant before picking up this book; I was hesitant
because I didn’t imagine I would find anything new between the pages. With a
subtitle like ‘Practicing the presence of the kingdom of God’ I thought I knew
where Rick McKinley was headed but I thought wrong. I was pleasantly surprised
at a fresh look on the Kingdom of God and how our lives here on Earth are
intertwined. Simple to read but so deep in meaning.
Rick McKinley splits the book into 3 parts: Discovering the kingdom, Re-visioning life in the kingdom, and practicing the presence of the kingdom. All 3 parts allow you to discover and probe deeper into what is the kingdom and how do we practice kingdom living here on Earth?
In all honesty practically every time before I picked up the book to read I had been worn out from the days activities. I wasn't in the mood to read, and often, even in a bad mood. But something within the pages of this book lifted my spirits. Every time I found myself spiritually refreshed, encouraged, and motivated.
I encourage all to read this book. You may be like me and find much comfort and healing within the pages, but you’ll also walk away with a new perspective on God’s kingdom and our purpose here on this Earth.
Thank you to Waterbrook Multnomah for blessing me with this book in exchange for this review. God bless.