Epic Grace: Chronicles of a Recovering Idiot is the journey
of Kurt Bubna, a recovering idiot, and his experiences. We all make mistake, we
all do stupid things, but few of us write a book about it to share with the
world so that others may learn from our mistakes. Well that’s exactly what
Bubna has done. His experiences ranging from work problems, parental problems,
church problems, marital problems and everything in between is bound to make
you relate and help you avoid some serious mistakes in the future.
Bubna’s life is no glamour story; instead it’s an honest
account that points always to Jesus. If you’ve fallen into the same potholes as
Bubna then you’ll be able to find comfort, if not, then you’ll be able to learn
valuable life lessons and how to turn any situation into a testimony and a way
to grow a deeper relationship with Christ.
There may be other books like Bubna’s that tell of a life
and how Jesus has used that life or transformed mistakes into testimonies but
Bubna’s is unique to him. The way he presents his stories are comical but the
lessons are life changing. A very nice, light read, I’d recommend to particularly
young people and anyone that has ever messed up at some point sometime.
Thank you to Tyndale publishers for blessing me with a copy
of this book.