Thursday, June 23, 2011

Beyond Talent by John C. Maxwell

I love reading books that you can take and apply the message to your life rather than books that are abstract thinking (although those could be nice too sometimes). John C. Maxwell gives the reader excellent advice to change his or her life around immediately. The book extinguishes myths that talent makes people successful and makes it clear that focus, passion, initiative, courage, perseverance, among other qualities listed in the book make people successful. Maxwell brings out stories and examples throughout the thirteen chapters each with specific themes dealing with specific issues and leading the reader to a deeper truth and motivation to go out and succeed.
Look, not everyone has some great talent, we all know that and that’s why we aren’t in the NHL, or NFL, we aren’t hit move stars or singers, but yet we all posses something that no one else does. I personally look foreword to being a doctor soon enough and hopefully I can change the world that way. Currently I am studying for my MCAT to get into med school and this book is surprisingly inspirational and motivating. I’d encourage anyone who needs motivation or to be set straight to read this book. It is repetitive at times and sometimes simply stating common truths that most would know, however, I am sure some people need to be reminded of common knowledge sometimes too. A good read. By the way this book was given to me as a complementary copy by for an honest review of the book, check out to get involved!

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